Heart line branches to head line

Jun 28, 2017 if the heart line starts between the index and middle finger, you may be too quick to give your love away. Triangle meaning on the palm lines destiny palmistry. Apr 5, 2019 forked heart line the heart line is the uppermost horizontal line. The heart line also called love line is one of the three major lines in palm reading. First of all, there is a pure simian line, or a partial one. It makes the person selfcentered and orthodox in nature who is very much concentrated in ones career or goals. When the heart line branches in a split formation between jupiter and saturn the. A straight branch, ending in a book, entering the fourth finger accident crippling the subject. Branches from life line palmistry indian palm reading. A deep, clearly cut head line shows a thought process which is organized as well as clever.

Wisdom line is not only able to show the level of knowledge, but also to the performance of the pros and cons of the reasoning. From ambition and attitude to iq and willpower, your head. Heart line tells a lot about your personalitypalmistry. If the heart line starts between the index and middle finger, you may be too quick to give your love away. It reveals a persons wisdom, intelligence, attitude, thinking, creative abilityfind what does its length, branches, forks, stars, crossings, breaks mean in the article. Heart line says about your love life effect of branches. If the end of the fork touches another line, like the head or life line, then the meaning changes again. If the head line ends in a trident like formation where one branch goes to the mount of moon and the other. The heart line also love line is one of the three major lines in palm reading. Many marks on the heart line is an indicator of a weak immune system and a pointer that the individual must take extra care in life.

A branch from the line ascending to the root of the first finger, but not cutting it ambition. What does around 5 branches at the end of heart line means. If the heart line branches upwards position 1 denotes constant success in the love matters or relationships. A number of minute perpendicular lines coming down from the line of heart and ending on or near the line of head. You can find its exact location from the right picture. Find what does its length, branches, forks, stars, crossings, breaks mean in the article. The triangle on the mount a triangle found on its own, not formed by other lines, generally is said to give karmic support if it is located on a mount. If a branch from the heart line reaches past the life line, into the mount of mars, it can show some tension, deep worry or insecurity about love. Jun 23, 2017 heart line says about your love life effect of branches, forks and island in heart line. If part of the line branches out to the head or heart area, that part is magnified. When the heart line is high up in the palm, and if there are branches. Tagged branch of heart line going towards mount of mars, branches on heart line, free online palmistry, hand reading, heart line, palm reading, palmistry, the line of heart heart line type 18 by admin 2 february 8, 20 7.

I have often verified this type of fate line in the people who are in government service and who get retired at. I have often verified this type of fate line in the people who are in government service and who get retired at that age. Heart line in palmistry is one of the 4 main lines. Its just above the head line starting from the edge of the palm under the little. A branch from the line deep into the mount of jupiter cut by a bar or terminating in a cross failure of ones main ambition. Jul 01, 2019 what does around 5 branches at the end of heart line means. The head line is just below the heart line, beginning between the base of the thumb and index finger and stretching across towards the pinky. Fate line on the hand for palmistry fate line on the right. Palm reading heart line, love line chinese palmistry. The heart line, also known as the love or mensal line, gives an indication about. A long head line symbolizes an intense involvement with details which can sometimes keep you awake at night. Fate line ending at the heart line a fate line without any defects, going straight and ending at the heart line indicates the person will have earnings till his 55th to 58th year. And when, the line of fate is the middle finger, crossing the line of heart soul, such a person is very smart and always wins.

Now looking for married not necessary a two affection line and heal the heart line finishes up. This is confirmed when the marriage line is cut by another line which starts from life line or from the middle of the palm fig 11. Mar 15, 2019 we shall see some of the fate line branches here. The head line, also known as the wisdom line considered one of the most important lines in chinese palmistry, reveals mental and psychological makeup and intellectual development and intuitive abilities. From ambition and attitude to iq and willpower, your head line reveals more than you can imagine the head line, also known as the wisdom line considered one of the most important lines in. If you have one line, straight across, with no evidence of any separate head and heart line, its pure. The health line can be found extending from the mount of mercury below your little finger and down across your palm, to the base of the thumb. A person will be against his parents desires and earn an incredible wealth at that age of the life line. Heart line palmistry meanings traits characteristics. Although since pic of hand is not clear so cant say about year definitely but its good brain lineso dont worry its in fact a good sign. Head line palm reading the second most important line on.

Dividing the affection so feel change time to time. Such people are not able to show regret, love and appreciate others. Most people have two separate palm lines called the heart line and head line on the upper half of their palms. If your head line is fairly straight, youre more pragmatic and analytical. Its where the head and the heart line are merged into a single line sometimes called a simian crease. If your head line is forked on ending with an upward branch that. The heart line often branches out which is a good sign. Perhaps you never see him and grow up in a oneparent family. A line starts from the region under the mercury mount, means little finger and ends at the jupiter mount. Heart line says about your love life effect of branches, forks and island in heart line. Head line represents the intellectual capacity,decisionmaking power, ability to concentrate on your career or goal,capacity to remember the things and how well a person can use his or her imagination for doing productive things in life. This usually means its hard to separate logic and feelings. Simian line what a palm reader told me about my rare hands.

Among which one is extended towards jupiter mount and one touching headline. Mar 11, 2018 head line represents the intellectual capacity,decisionmaking power, ability to concentrate on your career or goal,capacity to remember the things and how well a person can use his or her imagination for doing productive things in life. With a cross on the first bracelet of the rascettf wealth coming. Branches reaching but not cutting the head line, about its center honors and riches. Your head line found nestled between life and heart lines begins on. The head line a originates from the same place as the life line b, but the beginning of the head line overlaps the life line, and the end of the head line rises to the bottom of the little finger or gets near the heart line. Its not break its another line of head it shows your brain orientation different from around 32year. The head line also wisdom line or intelligent line is the second important line in palm reading. And if at the end of the line, a lot of the offslip roads is to wealth, to. You can listen to the audio of this page here origin of the head line in palmistry is the single most important element which has the potential to change the educational system, sports selection of athletes and coaches, politics, jury selection, in fact, every area of our life.

Many marks on the heart line is an indicator of a weak immune system and a. Through the heart, you can tell a lot about a person. This line when even, long, and narrow, shows good judgment, a strong will and a clear mind. The health line, life line, head line and heart line are considered as the most important lines that can tell whether we can lead a healthy life. Some clues about love and relationships are revealed just by the position of the line on the palm. Palmistry research has shown that a successful marriage is often made up of partners who spot similar heart lines. What does a break in head line suggest in palmistry. Small upward branches on either side fine health, ambition, satisfied and generally rich. In the case of the heart or head line being horizontal lines, there will be one branch facing forward and another leaning backwards until they join.

Branches from the heart lines moving upwardsbranches from the heart lines. The head line tells a lot about your personalitypalmistry. If the head line ends in a trident like formation where one branch goes to the. It starts either under the index finger or middle finger, and extends toward the pinky finger. If the head line slopes in the end, downwards towards the mount of moon, the quarrelsome disposition will get reduced or softened due to introspection.

How to read affection lines and the heart line in palmistry. Forked heart line meaning in palmistry destiny palmistry. With the mount of mercury well developed, originally, energy and constancy are shown. The intersection with the line of the mind the head means finansovo stability. Its often associated with being a mystic, visionary, guru, or leader best case and a socially awkward outcast or crazy person at worst. Where heart line seems touching offshoots, branches from main heart line, or curves down and almost touches the head line this we can say disappointments with affections or in pamelas words bending over backwards to. Head line line of success by mtrue palmist and writer of. Health line palm reading mercury or liver line in palmistry. The owner of the hands always brings things to the end. The wide area between mercury and the heart line shows the person desires lots of love and intimacy. It predicts our love relationship and direct our emotions. There are variations on the heart lines, which are basically straight or curved. When there is a line starting from inside venus mount and touching the heart line in a fork or split fig 12, it is an indication of emotional imbalance which leads to separation of the couple. Alright, so basically, a simian line is when the head and heart lines merge.

Sep 14, 2018 the article explains about the different types of heart line found. If the heart line begins underneath the index finger, it is an indication that you are satisfied. These very loving people may appear being flirtatious by those with a higher heart line origin. This line is located above the head line and life line. A triangle formed with either line of head or the line of heart with the line of fate and a third line as an upward branch of the line of head or even the down ward of the line of heart formation of property or acquisition of wealth. Branches in heart line two or more branches show that the person has a number of different emotional sides in their nature. If the heart line is away from or close to the head line. Chinese palm head line reading, wisdomintelligent line on palm. It will happen when the fate line starts from the life line and ends up straight to the heart line. But there are cases where the heart line is absent, such person is called a heartless person. When this line is separated from the line of life it is a sign of selfconfidence. Heart line in palmistry reading free soul line on hand. If there are many branches at the end, its shows you are constant in love at the. If your heart line and head line are both short, plus an island appears at the beginning of the fate line c, you might be a love child and rarely see your father.

Looking at the affection line one by another person. He will be favored with prosperity from his 35 to 56 years. Nov, 20 branches reaching but not cutting the head line, about its center honors and riches. If a part of the heart line touches the life line, like a branch or line connecting the two, it can be due to a strong connection with the parents. Career prediction based on your fate line indian vedic. Downward branches on the heart line indicate a time in the individuals life of heartache. It starts from the palm edge between the thumb and forefinger, and extends across the palm in the middle part with the life line below and the heart line above. Agar head line, heart line aur life line teeno ek sath mili ho to iska kya mtlb ho skta h. In western palmistry this line is called heart line, but in indian palmistry, this line is called life line or the line of skill. Its just above the head line starting from the edge of the palm under the little finger, running across the palm and ending below the middle finger or forefinger or the place where they join. A fork at the end of the heart line, with the lower section touching the head line, suggests that the emotions are tapping into the logical side. Read affection lines and the heart line in palmistry. This line can also be found joining with the life line. However, approximately 10% of people have the heart line and head line fused together to form one straight line across the palm, which is known in japan as the masukake line.

Nov 03, 2008 first of all, there is a pure simian line, or a partial one. Head line tell a lot about your personality, click here. The heart line ends either somewhere below the jupiter or saturn fingers or at least somewhere between them. You can listen to the audio of this page here origin of the head line in palmistry is the single most important element which has the potential to change the educational system, sports selection of athletes and coaches, politics, jury selection, in fact, every area of our life i have seen many books on palmistry and all of them. The second line, which, according to our hypothesis, receives the electric current when it enters our bodies through the finger of jupiter, is the line which may be seen tracing its way across the hand below the line of heart, and this has been named the line of the head 82.

The affection line sometimes two and some time just one. The head line is the second important line in palm reading. Fate line on the hand for palmistry fate line on the. If its curved you are more of an emotional person and intuitive by nature. This serious heart trouble was discovered in the hand of a chicago politician who died from it. May 08, 2017 its not break its another line of head it shows your brain orientation different from around 32year. Small downward branches from either side loss of health and wealth. A branch to the heart line indicates that the person is very cold as he is ruled more by his head rather than his heart. This line begins just above the life line, between the thumb and the index finger and runs across the palm toward the other edge of the palm. A forked heart line that touches the head line or life line.

When your heart line origin is low below the mercury finger a it indicates a strong need for love and intimacy. If the mercury mount is low there will be more learning but less ability. Forked heart line meaning in palmistry with images palmistry. Head line palmistry meanings traits characteristics. The heart line a and head line b are short, and an island appears at the beginning of the fate line c. You will occasionally see only one line coursing the hand below the mounts, and will be at a loss to tell whether it is the head or heart line. I have but once seen the head line entirely absent, through i have seen many hand lacking the heat line. Rising branches from the head line is considered good pic d while falling branches shows sadness and mental anguish at that point of life. If the head line, towards the end, takes an upward turn towards the line of heart, the person concerned will have a quarrelsome and irritable nature, generating murderous instincts.

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